Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sunday Morning Salad

Sunday is a day to relax, to sleep a bit more, to take it easy. I suggest you try making this salad for brunch, and your day will start just fine.
First, you have to choose the best roquette leaves that you find, and with the least pretty ones, make a pistou composed of half a garlic clove, some good olive oil, salt, ground parmesan cheese and a couple of turns of a black pepper grinder. Add some fresh vegetables nicely cut - take your time. Make a bed of this salad on a plate, and place some smoked salmon fillets on top. With a mixer, make a sauce composed of a tomato, olive oil, part of a garlic clove, salt, black pepper and some wasabi. Pour this sauce lightly over your salad, add some toasted bread, some pine nuts and some parmesan shavings. If you want to make it extra nice add a glass of a fresh Champagne to this special brunch. Enjoy!

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