Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Demonstration by Thierry Marx

At the Institut Paul Bocuse ,the two-star Michelin chef from France, Thierry Marx, shared some of his life, his extensive knowledge and his advice on having a restaurant with us today. He gives great importance to how both the kitchen and service teams should be managed and emphasized how a restaurant’s success can depend on the personalities and motivation of the staff. He is a person that I admire because of his charisma, and his unique philosophy on how to be a good chef (he takes his team to teach them Judo, where they learn how to handle difficult situations and stay in control).
He also showed us different techniques used to prepare different products, both saving time and achieving better results. From the “soufflé instantané de chou-fleur aux huîtres avec une crème au citron vert” (oyster and cauliflower soufflé with lime cream), to the salt cod with passion fruit ‘spaghetti’ and frothed mango, or the Szechuan pepper minute-meringue cooked in liquid nitrogen (-183 °c) with a sparkling blueberry coulis and chocolate decoration, all his dishes impressed me. All I can say after today's demonstration is that we are fortunate to have the chance to listen to a person like him and that my friend Alberto is very lucky to be working in his restaurant this winter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

te tengo q decir q tengo celos de todos vosotros! este chef me gusta mucho! q tl su visita? q tl estais todos ? q os vaya bien y sobretodo a ti!!! besooosss